There's a worrying rise of surveillance happening within video games and virtual worlds. Unbeknownst to the audience, biometric and psychological data is gathered and shared to advertising companies and governments. Facial recognition, eye-tracking, voice recordings and in-game choices players make are some of the personal data hoarded behind the curtains of the game. With our eyes to the future of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, this is an alarmingly invasive development. With Awear I investigated how digital jewellery could show users when their data is being recorded. Using the physical inputs a game needs to be played, these wearables translate those real-life inputs to the virtual world. When the player speaks, a microphone moves to their avatar's mouth; when the player moves their eyes or face a camera scans their avatar; when they move their hands this is recorded. This is aimed to resurface the hidden data-collecting process and give people a peek behind the curtains of the digital world they're engaged in.